Fazlani Exports


Three Major Rice Producing Nations in the World

Rice is a staple food in various countries around the world. This popular grain is not only available in one type but also in different textures, sizes, and types to choose from. Due to its high demand in various countries, rice production and business is increasing day by day. And today, there are many countries which produce rice like India and others. Have a look at the major rice producing nations according to the 2009 statistics;

  1. China – China ranks first in the production of rice. More than 90% of its irrigated land is under cultivation. According to the 2008 FAO, China produces around 193 million metric tonnes of this staple grain which comes up to 35% of the world’s total rice production.
  2. India – It is the primary centre of rice production and cultivation. Rice cultivation in India covers around 44 million hectares – the largest in the world. It also has the highest percentage of population that eats rice on a regular basis. Hence, the leading exporters of food grains from India also produce rice for the domestic as well as international market. The Indian food grain suppliers lead the market of rice production.
  3. Indonesia – In the year 2010, Indonesia’s rice consumption was 139 kgs per capita per year, which makes it the highest in the world. Considering its share in consumption of rice, IRRI estimates that Indonesia will need to produce more rice in the coming years to fill the gap between consumption and production.

India is a country with a massive production and consumption of rice rate. The leading exporters of food grains from India supply rice to different nations of the world. This increase has also profited Indian food grain suppliers. To know more about the best rice exporters of India, visit www.fazlani.com