Fazlani Exports

Fazlani Exports Pvt LTD


Nutritional Value of Sesame Seeds

India is one of the best and top most sesame suppliers in the world. With leading sesame seeds suppliers from India, we produce both, its black and white varieties. As the use of sesame seeds around the world is increasing day by day, there is a big growth in the sesame market. It is usually used for preparing food, medicines and beauty products. Various sesame seeds wholesale suppliers sell sesame seeds in the domestic markets as well as internationally. Due to its high nutritional value, sesame seeds are useful for several purposes. Let us have a look at the nutritional value of these seeds;

Calories – One ounce of raw and dried sesame seeds contain around 163 calories including 14.11 grams of fats in which 1.96 grams is saturated fats. Whereas an ounce of roasted sesame seeds contains 160 calories, which includes 13.61 grams of fats in which 1.09 grams of saturated fats. Overall, sesame seeds are cholesterol free.

Protein – An excellent source of protein for vegetarians, sesame seeds should be consumed by the health conscious instead of protein bars. One ounce of raw and dried sesame seeds consist of 5.03 grams of protein. Roasted sesame seeds composes 4.81 grams of proteins.

Vitamins – Sesame seeds do not consist of vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K. both, raw and roasted sesame seeds consist of 0.22 mg of thiamine and 0.07 mg of riboflavin.

Minerals – One ounce of dried sesame seeds consists 291 mg of calcium, 4.113 mg of iron and 9.77 mg of selenium. It satisfies the daily value of 29.1% calcium, 18% of selenium and 23% of recommended daily value of iron for women.

There are leading sesame seeds suppliers in India who produce high-quality sesame seeds. To know more about sesame seeds wholesale suppliers visit, www.fazlani.com